
Firefly log implements slf4j APIs. The features:

  • Asynchronous writing
  • Timeout or max buffer size flush disk strategy
  • Lazy logger
  • MDC & custom formatter


Add maven dependency


Add firefly-log.xml to classpath

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<loggers xmlns="http://www.fireflysource.com/loggers"
         xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.fireflysource.com/loggers http://www.fireflysource.com/loggers.xsd">







The firefly-system is the default logger. It records firefly framework and any other not specified log. The firefly-monitor records the firefly framework runtime performance metric.

The <name> node sets the logger name, it uses prefix to match logger instance. For example:

private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Foo.class); //com.firefly.example.reactive.Foo

public void print() {
  logger.info("print foo")

The settings description:

The Foo class name is com.firefly.example.reactive.Foo, it matches the logger instance com.firefly.example.reactive. The logger will print records to ${log.path}/com.firefly.example.reactive.2017-10-04.txt.

The log output level value contains TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, and the ERROR.

The log file output path.

You can use it to set the max log file size, and the unit is the byte. When the log file size exceeds the max size, Firefly logger creates a new file to save log records automatically.

The log entry formatter class, it implements the LogFormatter interface. You can use it to format the log entry content.

The log file name formatter class, it implements the LogNameFormatter interface. You can use it to format the log file name.

The log filter class, it implements the LogFilter interface. It intercepts the specified log output.

The logger splits the log files daily. You can also use this parameter to set the log file max split time, and the value is minute, hour or day.

If this parameter is true, the logger prints record to console.

Log formatter

The <formatter> specifies a class that implements LogFormatter. For example:

public class ExampleLogFormatter implements LogFormatter {

    public String format(LogItem logItem) {
        String logStr = logItem.getLevel() + " " + SafeSimpleDateFormat.defaultDateFormat.format(logItem.getDate());

        if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(logItem.getMdcData())) {
            logStr += " " + logItem.getMdcData();

        if (StringUtils.hasText(logItem.getClassName())) {
            String[] arr = $.string.split(logItem.getClassName(), '.');
            logStr += " " + arr[arr.length - 1];

        if (StringUtils.hasText(logItem.getThreadName())) {
            logStr += " " + logItem.getThreadName();

        if (logItem.getStackTraceElement() != null) {
            logStr += " " + logItem.getStackTraceElement();

        logStr += " -> " + logItem.renderContentTemplate();
        return logStr;

When the logger writes log records to a file or console, it will call the LogFormatter.format method. You can convert LogItem to a String using custom format.

Log filter

Sometimes we want collect error log and print it in a single log file. The firefly provides the <log-filter> that specifies a class that implements LogFilter. For example:

public class ErrorLogFilter implements LogFilter {

    private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("firefly-example-error");

    public void filter(LogItem logItem) {
        if (logItem.getLevel().equals("ERROR")) {
            logger.error(logItem.getContent(), logItem.getThrowable());

In this case, we collect and print error information via ErrorLogFilter.

Lazy logger

When we want to print a large data object that helps us to debug programming in development stage, we need use the logger.isDebugEnabled() condition to avoid the resources are consumed excessively in the production environment. Just like:

if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
    logger.getLogger().debug("debug dump data: ", dumpLargeData());

We set logger level is INFO in the production environment. The dumpLargeData() method will be not executed. But Firefly logger provides a simple API to do this. Just like:

public class Slf4jImplDemo {

    private static final LazyLogger logger = LazyLogger.create();

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // logger level is INFO
        logger.debug(() -> "debug dump data: " + dumpLargeData());
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.getLogger().debug("debug dump data: ", dumpLargeData());

    private static String dumpLargeData() {
        return "large data";

The lambda will be executed lazily. In this case, when the logger level is DEBUG, the lambda will be executed.