Table of Contents

TCP server and client

fun main() {
    `$`.tcpServer().onAcceptAsync { connection -> // (1)
        launch { writeLoop("Server", connection) } 
        launch { readLoop(connection) }
    }.listen("localhost", 8090)

    `$`.tcpClient().connectAsync("localhost", 8090) { connection -> // (2)
        launch { writeLoop("Client", connection) } 
        launch { readLoop(connection) }

private suspend fun readLoop(connection: TcpConnection) = connection.useAwait { // (3)
    while (true) {
        try {
            val buffer =
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            println("Connection closed.")

private suspend fun writeLoop(data: String, connection: TcpConnection) = connection.useAwait {
    (1..10).forEach { // (4)
        connection.write(toBuffer("TCP ${data}. count: $it, time: ${Date()}"))
  1. Use the onAcceptAsync method to accept tcp connection.
  2. Use the connectAsync method to establish a tcp connection to the server.
  3. Lauch a coroutine and read data in a loop. The function connection.useAwait closes connection automatically when the readLoop exits.
  4. Write data in a loop.